Hoof Corner

Welcome to Hoof Corner!

This area of The Horse's Hoof represents OUR own personal opinions and recommendations regarding hooves and hoof care. We are James & Yvonne Welz, owners of The Horse's Hoof Magazine and website. While the emphasis of The Horse's Hoof is to promote barefoot as a whole, and provide a place for practitioners of all methods to gather and interact (Go Team Barefoot!), we do have our own personal way of doing things. Throughout this past 15 years, we have been quietly practicing barefoot horse care on hundreds of horses, ironing out what really works, and here we will share our knowledge with you.

This is not the only way, this is just our way: the Welz' way.

For more from James & Yvonne, we invite you to visit Hoof Help Online.

Videos by James Welz:

Over 100+ online videos are available with at hoofhelponline.com

Articles by James & Yvonne Welz:

Our Way of Trimming Heels

Our Way of Trimming the Mustang Roll

Our Recommendations for Hoof Dressings

Our Recommendations for Thrush Treatment

Hooves and Nutrition and the problem we're seeing...

Are Horse Shoes Ever an Option?

An Introduction to Power Tool Trimming by James Welz from THH issue 21 (PDF file)

A Different View of Hoof Mechanism by James Welz from THH issue 27

A Different View of Hoof Mechanism by James Welz from THH issue 27 (PDF file)

Trimming Insights by James Welz from THH issue 28 (PDF file)

Shorten Those Toes! by James & Yvonne Welz from THH issue 29 (PDF file)

Goldilocks & The Three Bars... by James & Yvonne Welz from THH issue 30 (PDF file)

3 Simple Trim Secrets to Better Hooves! by James & Yvonne Welz from THH issue 31 (PDF file)

Trimming the Heels by James Welz from THH issue 32(PDF file)

The Welz Paradigm of the Hoof by James & Yvonne Welz from THH issue 43 (PDF file)

The Healthy Hoof by James & Yvonne Welz from THH issue 48 (PDF file)

Theory: Why do We Roll the Wall? by James Welz from THH issue 51 (PDF file)

These articles are just the tip of the iceburg and just a tiny introduction to our theories and instruction... The REAL STUFF is located at Hoof Help Online

©2000-2014 by The Horse's Hoof. All rights reserved. No part of these publications may be reproduced by any means whatsoever without the written permission of the publisher and/or authors. The information contained within these articles is intended for educational purposes only, and not for diagnosing or medicinally prescribing in any way. Readers are cautioned to seek expert advice from a qualified health professional before pursuing any form of treatment on their animals. Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.

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The Horse's Hoof is a division of:

The Horse's Hoof
Wishing Welz Equine LLC
P.O. Box 1969
Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Message Phone: 1-623-935-1823
(Leave a message anytime.)
Email: editor@TheHorsesHoof.com - Welz' educational website: www.HoofHelpOnline.com